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Re: Too few cypherpunks nodes.
digest is a standard function of majordomo
William H. Geiger III wrote:
> In <[email protected]>, on 05/23/97
> at 11:49 PM, [email protected] (Igor Chudov @ home) said:
> >Ladies and Gentlemen,
> >As the time goes on and I see what is happening inside and outside our
> >list, I am getting increasingly concerned about the small number of hosts
> >in the cypherpunks network.
> >Practically, most of the people use only two nodes, Kent's and mine, and
> >thanks to Jim, we have three operating ones. I do not believe that it is
> >good enough.
> >If anyone has any creative idea of how to get a couple more reliable
> >nodes, please share it.
> I should have a new node up shorly.
> This will be a cypherpunks-digest node.
> I plan on taking input from the 3 current nodes, remove any duplicates and
> then send out 1 or 2 digest messages a day (depending on volume).
> I will be working this weekend on the digest code, hopfully I can have
> things up and running sometime next week depending on how much time "real"
> work takes up.
> Once I have the digest list set-up I can start posting some statistics on
> the "quality of service" on the various lists.
> I do not plan on filtering any traffic with the exception of "denial of
> service" attacks (100 ascii art messages, ...). I may not have to even do
> this if the other lists already take care of this.
> As soon as I have more info I will post it to the list.
> PS: What does everyone think of CC: alt.cypherpunks with the digest?
> Thanks,
> - --
> - -----------------------------------------------------------
> William H. Geiger III http://www.amaranth.com/~whgiii
> Geiger Consulting Cooking With Warp 4.0
> Author of E-Secure - PGP Front End for MR/2 Ice
> PGP & MR/2 the only way for secure e-mail.
> - -----------------------------------------------------------
> Tag-O-Matic: He who laughs last uses OS/2.
> Version: 2.6.2
> Comment: Registered_User_E-Secure_v1.1b1_ES000000
> iQCVAwUBM4dCe49Co1n+aLhhAQHpPwQAwnwWWNlGh8MnERO9kkgJsF+CKuBwKh6q
> 75oeD0/x6MaYIE1jePrAQvqkNcvzVCMbvdSkBCH1rFSLhoGECsh1jXgvWmPieRfB
> 7sedYwX1UTVOPz/YLvHh0BcCuevbq1V5vZD/PzhIwxskT1CNLfYkcoM/lph/HpAZ
> Aaa3bo/09+k=
> =9HJY
- Igor.