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Re: 1996 Wiretap Report

Eric Blossom <[email protected]> may have written:
> (2) In the past 11 years (1986 - 1996) a total of 9,912 intercept
>     applications were approved.  Of that number 5 (five!) were for
>     "Arson, explosives, and weapons."  Unless they've classified wiretaps
>     against "suspected terrorists" in the "Other" category, it looks
>     as if the LEOs don't think (targeted) wiretaps are useful for stopping
>     small groups of modestly skilled people bent on blowing things up. No 

Hmmm. :-)

I guess the spook angle is to ensure that those are <cringe>well
targetted</cringe> wiretaps - targetting based on intelligence,
which is probably not the same as legal intercept...


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