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Re: Rotenberg or Berman? (was Re: e$: Beltway piglets and other barnyard animals)

This is a crucial point. Rotenberg != Berman.

As much as I like individuals at CDT, I disagree fairly often with the
organization's position. CDT supported the so-called "compromise" that
would have replaced the CDA's indecency provision with a ban on material
that's "harmful to minors." They've done the wrong thing on Digital
Telephony in many cases -- helping phone companies suck in $$$ to make
their systems wiretappable more than helping civil liberties -- and
continue to do so. They're now silent (read the latest CDT post) on the
many problems with SAFE. 

Then again, CDT may not be good on individual rights in the examples above
but they don't support Rotenbergesque privacy regulations either. Again:
issue-by-issue alliances.


On Sun, 1 Jun 1997, Lee Tien wrote:
> Marc Rotenberg never led EFF; he led CPSR-Washington which became EPIC.
> Bob may be thinking of Jerry Berman, who ran EFF for a few years, was
> involved in its actions re Digital Telephony, and then left to start up
> CDT.