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"Smack" the lawyer of your choice...but smack!

Assistant U.S. Attorney

     4.   I  have  been  advised  by  the  Federal  Bureau  of
Investigation that the public release of the identity of the two
victims could cause serious financial and security difficulties for
the victims.  Until now, the victims have been identified only to
the defense, as part of the criminal discovery in the case.

  Silly me, I thought the people who had their credit card information
exposed were the victims.

     5.   The  difficulties  facing  these  victims  include  the
probability that additional hackers will seek to challenge these
computer systems,  once the defendant's successful efforts are
revealed; and the loss of business due to the perception by others
that computer systems may be vulnerable.

  Uh... Excuse me, Dude, but I believe that's how life works. Unless,
of course, the government steps in to cover up the facts to the benefit
of rich corporations and to the detriment of their gullible customers.

     8.   The defendant's counsel was contacted regarding this
motion.  She expressed a willingness to agree to it, but only if
the  government  agreed to  limit  in some way the  government's
appropriate public release of the defendant's guilty pleas as a
deterrent to others.   Such an arrangement was not acceptable to
the government.  Defendant's counsel therefore indicated that she
would like to file an opposition to this motion; but would agree
that pending the resolution of this issue, that the identities of
the victims could be protected.

  The cunt sold her client down the river for a good tee time with
the prosecutor at a private golf course. Put her in charge of
defending Terry McNicols.

"Smak" delivered an encrypted CD containing over 100,000 stolen 
credit card numbers. After the validity of the credit card information
was confirmed through decryption of the data on the CD, "Smak" was 
taken into custody by the FBI. 

  And the 100,000 people were immediately notified that their credit
cards had been compromised? I fucking doubt it. Better to screw over
100,000 citizen-units than expose the incompetence of a few companies
and the government's fight against strong encryption and computer
