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Re: Remailers and ecash

At 09:59 AM 10/1/97 +0200, Anonymous (Monty Cantsin) wrote:
>It is my understanding that serious naval vessels like aircraft
>carriers use constant bandwidth channels to defeat traffic analysis.
>That is, to every place they might wish to communicate, they
>continuously broadcast encrypted information.  Most of the time the
>channel is empty, of course, but nobody outside can tell when.
>If we had a remailer network in which each customer had a constant
>bandwidth connection to one or more remailers, you could have zero
>latency mail.

Let me get this straight.  You are suggesting that anyone who wishes to be
anonymous should send a continuous 24 hour stream of low bandwidth data to
a central point in an effort to help keep anyone from knowing that they
wish to be anonymous.  

While this may help correct the latency problem, how do you think this will
effect anonymity?  Do you think that by sending a continuos stream of data
to the remailer, the sender will be less identifiable?

  -- Robert Costner                  Phone: (770) 512-8746
     Electronic Frontiers Georgia    mailto:[email protected]  
     http://www.efga.org/            run PGP 5.0 for my public key