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Re: Forwarded mail... (fwd)

Forwarded message:

> Subject: Re: Forwarded mail...
> Date: Thu, 2 Oct 97 00:09:24 -0400
> From: "Brian B. Riley" <[email protected]>

>  ... nothing personal, but why is it people keep deluding themselves
> with the idea that they can shoot to wound. You cannot know what a
> shot will do 

Remember: A gun is like a finger, just point it at what you want to

I have met hundreds of great shots in my life, there are many people for
whom this sort of behaviour would not be delusional. My grandfather (who
you'll hear more about in a minute) used to delight us as small kids by
lighting matches stuck in wood fence posts with a .22 pistol from about
50 yds. My cousin from Louisiana likes to shoot squirrels (if you can call
it that) by passing the bullet just in front of their nose, causes lung
hemorraghes and they just fall off the limb. Me, I always miss or blow their
teeny little head off, it's apparently a game of 1/4 inches. I work with an
ex-gomer (ie USMC) pilot who is quite phenomenal with his .357 Desert Eagle,
his groupings are just about an inch at 25 yds.

I have 20/10 eyesight (in one eye now, the L. is blind) and I've been
shooting guns since I was 6 years old. By the time I was 12 I was killing
Nutria in Louisiana's swamps every summer for bounty with a single shot of
.22 from 100+ yds. I once got a nice heart shot on a deer at 400 yds. over
iron sites with a .308. I hit what I aim at with a pistol or rifle assuming
I have fired it a few times (which if I own the gun is a given). The first
thing I do is range a weapon when I buy it. It's also why I practice shooting
in groups of 3. Better chance of hitting, and hitting something important.
Being shot at doesn't bother me, been there done that several times now, so
I don't think that will be much of a factor.

I agree a snap shot is inaccurate but if I have time to get the gun and get
to my bedroom door nobody is going to get a chance for a snap shot. Hell, if
I had a reasonable idea where they were I'd shoot their wormy ass through
the wall. I seriously doubt anyone can get to my bedroom without me being
warned (my burglar alarm isn't electronic).

<hint: if your walls are white and you're faced with a burglar cover
       yourself with a white sheet (assuming the lights are off and only
       ambient is available) and stay below waist level moving no more than
       about 1 ft. at a time and shooting upward. Keep both elbows tucked
       in and hold the gun in a 2-hand grip, use you ears not your eyes>

>... if you shoot someone the odds are pretty high that
> you will kill him or seriously injure.

If you break into my house at 1AM this is a given. I'll either shoot you or
beat you to death with a skillet. If you don't want to die don't break into
my house. It's the Golden Rule. There is absolute NOTHING that justifies
breaking into my house at any time let alone in the middle of the night. It's
called 'cause and effect' unfortunately most folks now a-days just don't seem
to have caught the clue.

There is a saying that my grandfather tought me (he was a medic in WWI
because he was a contientous (sp?) objecter):

If you pull a gun on somebody shoot, and shoot to kill. If you can't bring
yourself to kill then don't use a gun.

> You cannot count on
> 'non-lethally' wounding anyone.

Who the hell wants to non-lethaly wound a burglar, I'm betting on them
flinching when I start yelling at them...

> Leg shots have a very high incidence
> of hitting bone and deflecting up into the torso and really raising
> havoc. A shot to the thigh could easily hit the femoral artery and a
> total bleedout

Absolutely great reasons to shoot the asshole there.

Look, when a person breaks into your house, robs you, rapes you, or whatever
they are basicly saying "I am going it on my own, I apply no rules or
recognition of civilization. Your life means nothing to me because I am 
willing to trade it for a few measly bucks". It is silly to try to deal with
such people reasonably, if they were reasonable they wouldn't be there in the
first place (they'd be home protecting their own possessions). They are
a clear and present danger with long-term intent. Save your life and their
next victim or your tax dollars to put them in jail and train them to be
better criminals, do everyone a favor kill them now.

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