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Re: Stronghold

Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM writes:
> Anonymous <[email protected]> writes:

> > Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM writes:

> > Those who are newcomers to the list should know that Vulis has never
> > presented any evidence substantiating his vague claims that Stronghold 
> > is insecure or has backdoors (or whatever the claims were).  Vulis is
> > conducting a personal vendetta against one of C2Net's staff members and 
> > anyone who happened to be or become associated with him.

> Nor do I have to present any evidence.

You misordered this: it should say "Nor do I have any evidence to 

>                                         I'm not the one selling StrongHold.

No, you're the one trying to torpedo its sales to get back at certain
individuals for some perceived slight.

> I have received several threatening communications from C2Net's lawyers, 
> which were discussed at length on this list.  To avoid unpleasant disputes
> I agreed not to disseminate my opinions about StrongHold.

Amazingly, C2Net doesn't like to see its product publicly slandered 
by reptiles like Vulis.  If Vulis' opinion were based on anything
other than personal ill will - ie, if he had ever actually downloaded
and examined Stronghold and found any problems with it - he would have
a leg to stand on.  As it is, his allegations are completely unfounded.

> Please keep this in mind if you consider buying it.

Keep in mind that anything Vulis says is in all likelihood a complete