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Re: "Show me an example of terrorists using the Internet or crypto"
On Wed, 1 Oct 1997, Matt Elliott wrote:
> >You people just don't get it do you? A gun has one purpose: To kill. Just like
> >any other tool, a gun, if it is available _will_ be used at some point.
> Yea, so what is your point. As long as it is lawfull killing that seems to
> me to be the point to use a gun. For lawfull purposes. Criminals will
> always be using guns anyway. If they take away guns people will just find
> another just as forcefull method of defending them selves. I have a potato
> gun that will put a 3 inch hole in just about any living creature. I'm
> going to take it deer hunting this winter. It will be cool to say I shot a
> dear with a potato and a can of hair spray (the propelant)
I completely disagree. I bet you'd disagree too when the cops come to take
you away for using illegal crypto. It would be totally lawful. But that's
besides the point.
Killing people is NOT a good thing. It never is. It might be unavoidable
in a you-or-him situation, but that doesn't make it a good thing.
Would you like to be shot? No? Not even if someone else claims he has a
good reason to? I think this goes for most people. So the best that you
can do it claim that _you_ think there's a good reason to kill someone.
This is not a working theory for a community.
I dabble in techno-house and sometimes,
I do that badass hip-hop thang...
But the F U N K gets me every time!