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Low blow (but a *good* one!)

Alex Le Heux wrote:
Anonymous <[email protected]> wrote:
>Let's also take a look at the Dutch performance during their 
>occupation. While there certainly were many courageous Dutch people
>who helped refugees (at great personal risk, to say the least), and
>there were many courageous Dutch people who were in the resistance, 
>there were also many Dutch people who did not perform so well. Not
>only were a large number of Jewish people turned in by Dutch 
>informers, but there were even Dutch SS units.

You have a nerve. You, coming from a country where people are still
regularly killed in the name of racism, tell me this?!
The Same Old Guy replied:

Want the cold, hard facts of life, Bubba?
You didn't put WWII 'behind' you. We did!
Gun-loving Americans conquered your continent and gave you your
countries back instead of enslaving you, like every other winner in
history has done.

*** Certified Low Blow ***
Some of us discriminate against Jews. Do you know why? 
Because we HAVE some!
*** Certified Low Blow ***

We were giving them refuge while Europe was massacring them by the
millions. Now you have the balls to say we're not all treating them
right all of the time.
Buy a fucking clue!