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Re: Quor's cipher

> Antonomasia <[email protected]> wrote:
> > My attack takes a long chunk of known text and looks for repetition.
> >
> > ppppppppppppppp.11.pppppppppppppppppppppp
> > ccccccccccccccc.22.cccccccccccccccccccccc
> >
> > When a two neighbouring p-c pairs are the same you can test
> > whether they have the same value of a and b.
> > (That is a_n == a_n+1 and b_n == b+n+1,   a != b usually.)
> >
> > This involves 16 inputs to each byte - very cheap.
> > What I really want next is to know "a".
> [email protected] wrote:
> > Wouldn't this only happen (on average) in one out of every 65536 p-c
> > pairs?
> Yes (counting only those we test).
> >         Since the state array is changed entirely with every 128 bytes
> > encrypted, 1 out of 2^16 doesn't seem to help much.
> This finding doesn't uncover a great deal, I agree, and what it does
> uncover is transient.

What about this:

If (a+b)^(a0+b0) == 0, then the plaintext is the same as the ciphertext.
This happens for one out of every 256 bytes.  Ordinarilly this isn't a
problem, but if the key is reused, and there is no IV, it can leak a byte
of plaintext.

So it seems that you would need to change the key for each message, or at
least use a random initialization vector.