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InfoWar 29 / The GeigerText Edition


                       The True Story of the InterNet
                                  Part III


                  Final Frontier of the Digital Revolution

                     Behind the ElectroMagnetic Curtain

                        by TruthMonger <[email protected]>

Copyright 1997 Pearl Publishing

                          InfoWar Table of Contents

   * Death & Texas
   * 2000


                                Death & Texas

"I see that our link to the past�" Jonathan paused to remember what the hell
the man was calling himself, lately, "�The Same Guy, that's it�"

What had he been about to say?
Jonathan shook his head to clear away the fog that invariably resulted from
use of the Trei Transponder to make contact with�The Same Guy.

"He fucked up the 'Death and Taxes' chapter title." Alexis helped Jonathan
regain his train of thought.

"Oh, yes, thank you." Jonathan sighed, and continued.
"Well, if he fails to pick up the reminder from the LMBoyd sampler, then
there's no telling what the next chapter will be about, since he'll be away
from the 'Home' for the weekend."

Priscilla added, "Perhaps we would have been better off to let him usurp the
TruthMonger multi-user personality, since he seems to have become a one-man
multi-user personality, all on his own."

Bubba Rom Dos laughed, and reminded the others of one of his self-coined
"When you talk to yourself, that's normal. When you answer yourself, that's
a little weird, but nothing to seriously worry about. However, when you say,
'Huh?'�you're in big, big trouble."

Subject: Sampler: October 3
Date: Fri, 3 Oct 1997 00:15:01 -0700
From: [email protected]


Clients write:

"What I think of when somebody says 'death and taxes' is death only collects
"What gets me is this is supposed to be National Apathy Week, and nobody
"What I can't figure out is how hailstones were described before golf balls
were invented."

LMBoyd Web Site / U. S. Newspapers / Start Email / Stop Email

"Taxes!" The Same Guy exclaimed. "Damn! Taxes�"

The Same Guy looked at the chapter of 'InfoWar' that he had been working on
for the last week. Now it made sense why he couldn't quite get it all to
quite come together.
Still, 'Death and Texas' had been a pretty good guess, since it did tie in
with some of the main players in the worldwide conspiracy destined to come
to fruition at the turn of the millennium.

Someone had gotten to Paula Jones' attorneys and forced them to bow out of
her sexual harassment suit against President Clinton, so that the Puppet
Masters behind the scenes could bring in a heavy-hitter from Texas, and fund
the attack on the President through the spook-connected Rutherford Institute
in Charlottesville, Va.

"Donavan Campbell!" The Same Guy slapped his forehead.

Now the obviously 'wrong' reference in chapter 26, "Everything You Know Is
Wrong," made sense.

"One of the reasons the Author attributed to his becoming a computer guru in
an amazingly short period of time, was his entry into the computer arena as
the apprentice of Bill Campbell, one of the designers of the Adam
motherboards, and the Authors work with retarded children early in life."

The man referred to in this passage was the owner of CCPPR Computers, Inc.,
in Tucson, Arizona. But his name was Bill Williams, not Campbell.
The Same Guy had known that whoever had changed the name in the manuscript
while it was in route to the CypherPunks mailing list was sending a message
to someone that everything they knew about something was wrong, and that it
involved someone named Campbell, from Texas, where the Author had worked
with a number of retarded children. The references to the Feminazis was
another reference to the use of Paula Jones for the attack on the
Presidency, but what about the reference to George Carlin?
The Same Guy had done a quick Web search for Paula Jones and George Carlin
using fuzzy pattern-matching, and came up with the email from CNN's 'Carin'
Dessauer announcing Paula Jones' switch of attorneys.

"Yes, the one-two punch!" The Same Guy had leapt from his chair and given
himself a high-five, causing Baby to look up at him as if she was glad she
was a dog, and therefore in no way related to these crazy humans.

Suddenly, everything was coming full circle�"Full Magic Circle!" The Same
Guy joked to himself, laughing uproariously, and causing Baby to get up and
go into the next room to lay down, lest someone come along and think that
she was associated with this lunatic. Men�

"Sure, pretend you don't know me!" The Same Guy hollered after Baby, knowing
what she was doing.
"Just wait until people around the world are applauding my genius and giving
me the 'Key to the City' for my prophetic foresight. Then you'll be sorry
you're not there to accept the 'Doggie Bone to the City' for standing by my
side, as my faithful companion."

Baby just looked at him from her new spot on the Lazy Boy in the front room,
and put her head down to sleep, not seeming particularly impressed.

"Awe-Stun Taxes." That's what the T-shirts said.

The name of the man who engaged the Author to promote the T-shirts for him
was C. Crockett Flintstone. Crockett was not only person responsible for
introducing the Author to Sam Houston Johnson, and politics, Texas style,
but he was also the reason for the Author's fortuitous encounter with
gomez@basisinc, and his subsequent journey into the bowels of the UNIX
operating system.

And, of course, there was the ugly scene at Don Politico's bar in Austin,
when the Author had introduced the prototype of a bumper-sticker he had come
up with, to sell in Dallas. It said, "Honk if you killed Kennedy."

That was a long, long time ago, but the tangled, twisted trail which had led
The Same Guy to this point in time still revolved around Death and Taxes,
Death in Texas, and now�the Death of Taxes.

But The Same Guy didn't want to write about Death, Taxes, Texas, or any of
that depressing stuff. He was tired of dealing with the Dark Side of the
conspiracy. He wanted to think about the positive things that could be done
to counter the Dark Terror that was about to descend upon the world, once
again. Stuff like nuking DC.

Well, OK, maybe that was a bad example.


"Looks like he's done fucking up the chapter." Alexis smiled at Jonathan, as
she put her arms around him and gave him a peck on the cheek.
"Now it's your turn."

"Bubba! Cowboy! Grab the liquor and get your asses out here, we've got work
to do." Jonathan shouted to the two men who were laying in their cots,
trying to recover from the exceedingly long hours they had put in the day
and night before.

"The year 2000." Bubba shouted to Jonathan, dragging himself out of bed. The
Cowboy was rising equally slowly, beside him.

"Already got it." Jonathan pointed to the chapter title that lay waiting for
a reason to exist. He took the bottle from Bubba's hand as the old coot
eased himself into a chair, and poured three shots of bourbon while they
waited for the Cowboy to join them.

Jonathan glanced at Alexis, holding a fourth shotglass in his hand.

"No, I have other things to do, unless you need a woman's presence so that
you guys can keep it in your pants long enough to complete the chapter
without jumping up and down and screaming, 'Nuke DC! Kill! Kill! Kill! Nuke

The Cowboy gave Alexis a peck on the cheek as he passed by, assuring her,
"Run along dear, we have everything under control. As a matter of fact, we
think that after we finish prophesying the past�our past-the CypherPunks'
future�then we will leave it up to the kindlier, gentler CypherPunks, such
as Attila T. Hun, to help light the way for the CypherPunks and the Circle
of Eunuchs to forge a new distant past for ourselves, and a new future for
The Cowboy paused, to think about what he had just said, and added, "It's
hard to believe I haven't even had my morning 'hair of the dog' and I'm
already on a roll."

Alexis shook her head and said, "Count me out. Just add a disclaimer at the
end of the chapter which involves the womenfolk from any responsibility for
stirring up the likes of Attila T. Hun and Conan the Destroyer, or whoever
you plan to incite to join in your madness."

"Actually, I think that it is we who are joining in theirs." Bubba said,
sorting through some recent posts to the CypherPunks list.
He turned to Jonathan and the Cowboy, as Alexis joined Priscilla in making
some adjustments to the Trei Transponder.

"Shall we sugar-coat it, or tell it like it is?" Bubba asked his companions.

"The less time we take in the telling, the more time we have for drinking."
the Cowboy turned to Jonathan for his opinion.

"I defer to the wisdom of my elders." Jonathan smiled, pushing his shotglass
forward for a refill.

"OK!" Bubba exclaimed. "Quick and dirty."

"2000. The end."

"Uuhhh, Bubba�" the Cowboy said, "�you wouldn't mind terribly, would you, if
I filled in a few details before we close out the chapter and open another

Bubba waved for the Cowboy to proceed, pouring himself another shot.

The Cowboy decided to lay out the basics and let those actually living in
the era confirm the details of the flow of InformEnergy that lay in their
future if they failed to take steps to counterbalance the attempts of the
Dark Allies to force the past, present and future into a narrow mold
corresponding to the desires of the Evil One.

Now playing at a Whitehouse near you-the one, two punch.
Clinton and Gore are destined to be run out of town on a train, similar to
the Nixon and Agnew railroading. The players behind the scenes laid the
groundwork for setting them up like bowling pins, only to be knocked down
once they had served the purpose of smiling benignly as the shakers and
movers drove the final nail in the coffin of democracy by getting the
line-item veto passed.

Once this was done, most of the substructure was then in place for bringing
in the new millennium with a New World Order, compliments of Josef Goebbels,
George Bush, and a Dictator To Be Named Later (Monty Cantsin?).
There were already non-elected Committees and Commissions in place that had
the power to arbitrarily enact the draconian measures that had been
pre-approved in order to deal with the National Security Emergencies that
were already on the drawing boards, waiting only for all of the pieces to
fall in place.

The last decade of the millennium was mostly used for fine-tuning all of the
parts of the maleficent machines that had been created and developed for the
purpose of providing the physical tools necessary for instituting a
worldwide dictatorship of the Evil One across the face of the earth.

The mass media had been co-opted and brought under control, now being
basically a press-release arm of the government and corporations, through
the influence of powerful figures who pulled their strings from the shadows
above them.
Once the control of the media had been confirmed during Desert Storm, the
process of consolidating that control proceeded rapidly. The government had
given those on the growing InterNet a fairly free rein, in order to let them
remain a large enough threat to the established, mainstream media, that the
government could seal their lips and their loyalty with a fifty billion
dollar digital bandwidth giveaway that would ensure their financial
stability and dominance in the technology of the future.

Little did even the press, let alone the public, know that the import of the
digital bandwidth placed in the hands of the established media was much
greater than it appeared on the surface. The government already had the
technology in place to turn the digital airwaves into the InterNet
technology of the future.
By the time that the new technologies developed in the government's
underground laboratories around the world were revealed to the public as
'new' breakthroughs, they had invariably already been in use for years by
the secret government's agents.
(Like the radar that can see through walls, being 'announced' as a new
technology developed at Lawrence Livermore Labs. CypherPunk Kent Crispin had
known about its existence for years, having used it extensively himself-not
that he didn't trust his wife...)

The World Wide Web was completely under control of the military, having been
carefully woven under the watchful eyes of DARPA, who preferred to
centralize development of the WWW under CERN, in Europe, in order to get
around sticky US laws regarding privacy and freedom. They could move pawns,
shills and agents, such as Tim Berners-Lee, Ben Segal, and Phillip
Hallam-Baker back and forth between CERN, MIT, and other openly clandestine
institutions which served to host the distributed network of quasi-military
secret agents supporting the grand designs of Gomez and the Dark Allies.
The world at large would little notice that the development of the
technology behind the Digital Revolution lie in the same hands as the
development of the atomic bomb and nuclear energy. The military,
high-security scientists, secret committees and clandestine intelligence
organizations-with a background of spooks, spies, and assorted secret
societies and their agents, all having their strings pulled by Puppet
Masters who remained unknown behind the scenes that were being played out on
the stage of everyday reality.

Those who cheered the 'failure' of the Clipper Chip, the 'victory' of the
Bernstein ruling, or the 'defeat' of the CDA, little realized that these
were merely diversionary maneuvers for the real battles which were taking
place in the background, between those who were participating in an
underground war which was for 'all the marbles.'
Like the battles over the intricate details of what types of 'legal'
wiretapping would or would not be 'allowed' by the laws of society, the
openly fought battles over freedom and privacy were being waged only for the
purposes of defining the virtual reality of a world view which was actually
based on an underlying 'operating system' which was hidden from the view of
the 'average user.'
While anti-trust battles were openly being waged with the likes of Microsoft
and Intel, the real deals were being cut in the secret meetings between the
movers and shakers who could say, "Let there be back doors:" and there would
be back doors.

While Jane and Joe Normal were playing with their Graphical User Interfaces,
the operating system of the underlying reality was being defined,
manipulated and controlled by those in the subterranean layers of their
Digital Society-by those with access to the 'Command Line.'

The 'Above-Ground Players' were working a virtual theater in which the
battles they were fighting on the public stage had already been won by the
Authors of the scripts, who remained in the background, already knowing how
the Grand Play would come to an end, in its final scene.
Except for the 'Baker Street Irregulars'�

The CypherPunks had recognized the final challenge being thrown down by
those playing on the outer stage of reality.

"The Feds have shown their hand: they want a ban on domestic cryptography"
Tim C. May's weather-vane signature line pointed out that a new game was

What even most of the CypherPunks failed to realize, however, was the timing
of the announced intention to begin enforcement of the draconian measures
being proposed by Lying Fuck Louis Freeh ('eLFeLF' to his friends.)

Why 1999?

Can you say "Taxes."? Sure you can.

                        "The Xenix Chainsaw Massacre"

                 "WebWorld & the Mythical Circle of Eunuchs"

           "InfoWar (Part III of 'The True Story of the InterNet')

                Soviet Union Sickle of Eunuchs Secret WebSite