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(Fwd) [Exerpts of ] Cdn-Firearms Digest V2 #18

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Date:          Fri, 3 Oct 1997 10:15:14 -0600
From:          [email protected] (Cdn-Firearms Digest)
To:            [email protected]
Subject:       Cdn-Firearms Digest V2 #18
Reply-to:      [email protected]

Cdn-Firearms Digest      Friday, October 3 1997      Volume 02 : Number 018


Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 15:26:24 -0600 (CST)
From: mtoma <[email protected]>
Subject: stated goals

"Our task of creating a socialist America can only succeed when all
those who would resist us have been totally disarmed".

Sarah Brady, highly paid, highly motivated figurehead for Handgun
Control Inc., to Senator Howard Metzanbaum. National Educator 1994, 
page 3.

Now what was Sharon Carstairs comment about the social(ist)
reengineering of Canadian society?

Of course you knew that, did you not?
Had an email today, from Bob Lickacz. His comment regarding [the 
book] Unintended [Consequences]  ...Wow! what a book. 

This is very true. no other book have I read gets to the heart of the
matter, that is our love of firearms and shooting. At the same time, no
other book puts things in such perspective as to how we got here in
matters of gun control. Of course it is a history of the process in the
USA. The similarities in Canada are frightening. Buy the book, loan it
out. Available at Paladin Press, and amazon.com. 

Cheers, M. Toma


Date: Wed, 1 Oct 1997 08:46:01 -0600 (CST)
From: "Fred Davis" <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Ruby Ridge??

>Would someone please tell me what relevance the posting of the Ruby
>Ridge incident has on the Canadian Firearms Digest?
>Thank you
>Bud Melless

IMHO it is apparent that police agencies on both sides of
the border are pursuing militarist and sometimes violent actions 
against citizens who are subsequently charged with non-violent 
"crimes", if anything at all. 

You can find out the whole story on the Ruby Ridge incident by
pointin your favorite browser to:



End of Cdn-Firearms Digest V2 #18

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