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Re: Defeating MITM with Eric's Secure Phone


Adam Back wrote:
>Monty Cantsin writes:
>> My apologies if this has already been discussed, but wouldn't this be
>> a straightforward solution?
>John Kelsey described the same system.
>[adding hex passphrase digits exchanged via PGP to display digits]
>> Any flaws?
>See my other recent post in this thread... I think it doesn't work
>because Mallet can recover the passphrase.  You must remember that
>when Mallet is actively doing a MITM attack he knows the digits on
>the display of each party.  With that info he can recover the
>passphrase by subtracting.  Then he can give Alice the correct
>checksum for the link A<->M and Bob the correct checksum for the link

Oh, I get it.  Thanks.

And now I get why people want to assign passwords to each digit.
Mallory has no way of knowing all the mappings, even when one is

Just to get a feel for what this looks like, a table like this one
could be exchanged in advance of each telephone call.  (Nothing here
is my invention, of course.)  The columns are used once successively
for each digit.

0: Tientsin           bedeviling         Menominee          bonneted           coincides          quotation
1: handling           Bernadine          prouder            Navaho             fittingly          Swinburne
2: degrading          Puritanizes        allophone          acquaint           jack               renditions
3: clientele          homo               Verderer           diskettes          overview           surmounts
4: delimiting         probes             sobering           modulating         situated           jelly
5: bewail             reflex             multistage         plastics           stigmata           scandal
6: Genoa              divider            synonym            bipeds             tale               denominators
7: aborts             carbons            welding            amalgam            chain              innovation
8: salvaging          Fargo              transitional       relishes           Ozarks             meditations
9: overlapping        Tehran             desperation        initiated          intimidate         beggars
A: whereby            muffins            Soddy              miniatures         diagnostic         proportionment
B: flour              pistils            aback              despatched         Rydberg            tales
C: lifespan           sallying           Arianist           kindness           side               corporal
D: wrongs             nervousness        minting            totaller           feather            copyrightable
E: intoxicated        Yukon              Boyd               response           ingredients        numismatist
F: stairway           imitation          consulted          printably          anesthetizes       interval

This has about 85 bits of entropy assuming the words are randomly
selected from a pool of 20,000.  As Mallory only gets one try, those
are very good odds.  This is completely practical and secure because
the table is easy to generate and exchange.

(Not that an in-band method wouldn't be way cool!)

Monty Cantsin
Editor in Chief
Smile Magazine

Version: 2.6.2
