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Re: Telstra Australia admits it lied about net

According to an article in today's Mercury News or SFExaminer,
Telstra has also decided that 70% of the bits on US-Australia
Internet connections are now going from Australia to the US
rather than the earlier ~100% US->Australia direction -
so it wants a major reevaluation of who pays for the
trunks connecting the Internets in the two countries
(currently Telstra pays most of the costs.)

>         Telstra: We were wrong about Net
>         By GEOFF LONG 
>October 14: A Telstra official has admitted that the carrier
>overestimated the congestion problems associated with the Internet,
>one of the prime reasons given when it wanted to introduce timed local
>Speaking at the launch of Telstra's Big Pond Business services, Big
>Pond general manager John Rolland said congestion caused by Internet
>users connecting for long periods was not as big an issue as they
>first thought.

Bill Stewart, [email protected]
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