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Re: Rules of Engagement on Video
Jim Burnes wrote:
> An award winning film, "Waco: the rules of engagement" is now
> available on video. Previously running at Art Houses and Film
> Festivals it was produced by a few revolutionary media people.
> Anyway its been lauded as a very well balanced work. Not like those
> other people -- talking about evil, new world order conspiracies. ;-)
I thought it was a great example of what the news really *is*, as
opposed to the 'version' of news that this-or-that segment of society
would like to hear.
No matter what your natural prediliction for 'slanting' your world
view, the "Rules of Engagement" documentary will likely shame you
into looking at the Waco tragedy from a variety of points of view,
since it is difficult to bullshit yourself when someone else is being
so dang-blasted honest about the whole situation.
The problem with honest people is that you see your own honesty
reflected in them, and it makes it hard to tell yourself the 'usual'
"It wasnt' really murder, because he/she was black/communist/jewish/
republican/had bad breath...so it's not like they are really dead, and
*I* killed them."
I would advise everyone to get a copy of "Waco:the rules of
but not necessarily to watch it right away.
If you have a point of view to 'defend'--if you 'need' to see one
as 'good' and the other 'side' as 'evil,' then just put the video in a
drawer somewhere until you reach the point where you get tired of all
the bullshit, including your own.
I 'need' for Kent Crispin to be a government shill and part of the
worldwide plot against me, because I don't want to fully face everything
he has to say, just yet. There are certain things that I still want
to believe, right or wrong.
When I get tired enough of my own bullshit in those areas, I will
fully listen to Kent's point of view and decide what logic and reason
tell me is *true*, in spite of what I *wish* to be true...
(Although I fully expect to discover, at that point in time, that Kent
is right about *one* thing, and I am right about all of the rest.)
> Probably most noteworthy is the included FLIR FBI footage (Forward Looking
> InfraRed) which, under expert scrutiny, appears to show LEFs raining
> automatic fire down on citizen units trying to escape the final
> conflagration. Here expert scrutiny is defined as the head of research
> for the army night vision development group.
I was uncertain about the conclusions drawn by those making the video,
not having an adequate knowledge base to realistically make a judgement
one way or another (on the point made above), so I asked the opinion of
a friend who is 'Mr. Soldier.' (This guy would court-martial Patton for
an improper salute, quoting chapter and verse.)
He gave me the 'standard speech' upon hearing my request (towing the
government line--defending Mom, apple-pie and the American Flag). After
having viewed the video, however, he was quite honest in telling me that
he felt that a grievous wrong had been done, by people who should have
held themselves to a higher standard, given their position of authority
and the level of ethical responsibility that comes with it.
> Its definitely the cure for those times when GAK starts looking like
> reasonable, sensible and prudent alternative.
> I have absolutely no involvement or monetary connection to these
> people. I just wish they would have put it on video first.
I get a dollar for every video sold, so I may be a bit prejudiced.
(Just kidding!)
> "Is your religion BATF approved?"
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 12:34:04 -0700 (PDT)
> From: SomFord Entertainment <[email protected]>
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: "Waco: The Rules of Engagement" Video Order Form
> Thanks for your interest in obtaining the video of "Waco: The Rules of
> Engagement".
> We are pleased to announce that it is finally available! Please check the
> website
> periodically for ongoing reviews, press, announcements and updates to the
> order form.
> http://www.waco93.com/
> "Waco: The Rules of Engagement" Video Order Form
> Print, Complete, And Mail This Form With Check Or Money Order To:
> SomFord Entertainment, 8778 Sunset Bl., Los Angeles, CA 90069
> Questions: 310-289-3900
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> 8. Country:......................................................
> 9. Postal Code:..................................................
> 10. Phone:.......................................................
> 11. "Waco: The Rules of Engagement" Video.........Quantity:......
> $25.00 for 1 tape.
> $22.50 each for 5 tapes.
> $20.00 each for 10 tapes.
> Bookstores and Catalogues, Call for Bulk Order Info.
> All Prices Include Domestic Shipping and Handling.
> CA Residents Please Add 8.25% Sales Tax.
> 12. Total:.......................................................
> Make Check or Money Order Payable to: SomFord Entertainment.
> Comments Or Special Delivery Instructions:.......................
> Please allow three weeks for delivery. Thank you for your order