Copyright 1997 Pearl Publishing
Subject: Nun Other
From: John Young <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
On terrorists, one of the Four Horsemen.
What was the Gulf War but terrorism
wearing the death mask of order?--
One big car bomb it was
the guys who drove it
are dying now one by one--ignored!
Is acid rain a form of terrorism? (Think for yourself.)
Is GATT or NAFTA anything but a pact among brigands--the World
Bank, the IMP their backup men?
How long before they fight over the spoils?
Who'll do the fighting for them?"
Will these contemptuous, plebeian subalterns never learn?
I will allow them to fight over the spoils! They will do the fighting for ME! It is I who am at the right hand of the Evil One. It is I who will bring the earth to submission under HIS dominion, with the Dark Allies by my side.
The future is written! It is written!
These foolish ants continue to struggle in vain, though the battle
they persist in fighting was lost centuries ago. They can do no
more than postpone the inevitable, at best
The stage is set. My minions have their exits and their entrances, and I have, in my time, played many parts.
The book-learners rail against sheep in wolves
clothing, while I weave them all into patterns of my own design,
like a weaver spinning her wool and intertwining it according
to an already foreseen pattern.
Like the Big Bad Wolf in Grandmother's bed, I sit at the head
of the table from which they sup, laughing at the ragamuffin progeny
of the human race as they tell me, "My, Big Brother, what
big eyes you have."
And what big teeth I have
this Big Bad Wolf has already taken the axes out of the
hands of most of the woodcutters, and the rest of their weapons
shall be in my hands by the end of 1999.
The mortal fools who live in the InfoWar weald of my Grand Scheme
cannot see the forest for the trees as they fight their 'winning'
battles one retreat at a time. I have turned their words on their
head with NewSpeak, DoubleSpeak and SpinSpeak-I have turned their
minds upside down by making all forms of disagreement with my
Puppet Masters CrimeThink and CrimeSpeak.
I have turned their world and their reality on its head, yet the simpletons are not capable of turning 1999 on its head and realizing that at the end of the millennial forest stands the Subtle Serpent which convinced Eve and Adam to eat the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil-the serpentine, autarchic Evil-1 and Armageddon.
"Please allow me to introduce myself "
"I am An Evil FUD Disseminator To
Be Named Later.
"I will be your host for the rest of this chapter of 'InfoWar,'
because I have the brass balls needed to tell you blatant lies
about your future, and the future of humanity, because I know
that it is now too late for human kind to save themselves, and
that you desperately desire to hear, and believe, the
lies I am about to tell you.
back to our 'story.'"
It is becoming increasingly obvious, to even the deaf, dumb and blind, that the Y2K (Year 2000) programming 'problem' has the potential to become a worldwide disaster.
Is this an 'accident?' Is it the result of
the laws of inertia, vis a vis human nature?
now turn on the TV and go back to sleep.
That's right the Y2K 'problem' has been known about for years, yet the finest minds in the arena of computer finance have not understood the true import of the problem until just recently. The major players of huge financial empires have been sitting on their butts, completely unaware of the possible scope of disaster that lies in wait at the turn of the century. And all because they are so terribly, terribly stupid.
Yes, they are just now beginning to wake up
and realize that their whole world may come crashing down around
them if the Y2K problem is not properly dealt with.
Bill Gates has been sitting back, thinking, "Damn. I may
be out a hundred billion dollars before the fallout from this
problem stops. Oh well, easy come, easy go."
Financial institutions holding billions of
dollars in hard assets have not even remotely considered the possibility
that, if computers worldwide lose the ability to easily prove
whom those assets truly belong to, well
"We'll have
this all sorted out soon, sir. If you will just take a place at
the back of the line, behind the other one hundred million people,
our company directors will be taking a look at everyone's claims
just as soon as they get back from their extended vacation on
the French Riviera."
"After an intensive inquiry, we have
come to the conclusion that we are an honest, reputable financial
institution which would never take advantage of the Holocaust
by profiting outrageously from the slaughter of millions of our
valued customers.
"There is just no way we can possibly trace who these assets
should properly belong to as a result of being slaughtered by
some of our other valued customers.
"On your way out, would you mind throwing these bookkeeping
records in the trash for me?"
The truth of the matter is, human nature is
such that the operators of funeral parlors in Asia have been found
to be paying hospital employees to surreptitiously murder patients
whose family members are likely to use the operators services
when their relatives die.
However, people who can rule empires, perhaps even the world,
by virtue of being a Sumo Dog in a world of kittens, would never
dream of using their money, power and position to do so.
The three-letter agencies that regularly violate
all manner of their own country's laws, as well as the laws of
other countries, and international law-the secret agents who trade
in weapons and drugs to support their objectives, while imprisoning
others who do so-the spooks who openly admit that they use their
secret access to worldwide financial systems to manipulate and
steal the Bad Guys money and bring them to ruin
Well, lets just say that they are people with high moral values,
and would never consider secretly preparing to take full advantage
of the Y2K issue, while assuring those outside the loop that it
is bit of a 'problem' that 'someone' will get around to taking
care of, sooner or later.
You can turn on the TV and see major financial
institutions actively seeking the business of deadbeats or fools
with hard assets. You can see a smiling man explaining that the
company he represents loves you so gosh-darned much that their
standard contract contains two 'gimmes'-that they will give you
coupons which allow you to 'miss' two payments at your own convenience.
"Yes folks, we are trying to help people who are
likely to default on their loans because they believe the problems
resulting from their bad financial habits will be solved by planning
ahead for getting in above their heads."
You can see ads telling you that Company B loves you so gosh-darned
much that they will loan you up to 125% of your equity in your
"We will even kiss you on the lips, to show our sincerity.
" When we call in your loan, you will be advised of where
you can kiss us."
Trust me
these people are not involved
in a mad scramble to gain possession of as many hard assets as
possible because they know something that you don't know
The IRS, the Rockerfellers, the shadowy world
figures who own and operate munitions factories in both, or all,
countries involved in armed conflict, the patriots who sell ball-bearings
to keep the war machines that are shooting at their sons and daughters
Well, if there is great upheaval and disaster in the financial
community, as well as in society itself, then these people will
probably come to ruin, while your life just keeps getting better
and better.
In conclusion, I would like to assure you that if worldwide disaster suddenly looms as a result of a crisis caused by the Y2K 'problem,' that it will undoubtedly be a result of the evil conspiracies of drug dealers, pedophiles, terrorists, Saddam Hussein, and a Horseman to be named later.
The 'good' news is that our saviors are waiting in the wings to rush to our rescue and save us from the Great Evil as long as your name is not on 'The List,' of course.
{Hang on a second, I'll check }
Gee pal, I'm afraid I have some rather bad news for you