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The reason terrorists carry fly-swatters (fwd)

Forwarded message:

> Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 05:31:34 +0200 (MET DST)
> Subject: The reason terrorists carry fly-swatters
> From: [email protected] (Anonymous)

> * The San Jose Mercury News reported in March on some working
> models of the Defense Department's tiny flying machines ("micro
> air vehicles"), no larger than birds, including one helicopter that
> could fit inside a peanut shell, that are suited for tasks such as
> locating hostages in occupied buildings, sniffing out poisonous
> chemicals, and finding enemy snipers.  Each micro air vehicle
> carries cameras, sensors, transmitters, and antennas.

Actualy there was a show on The Discovery Channel last week that discussed
these as well as many other robotics projects being pursued by various
groups currently.

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