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Re: CPUNK Thread from the East / (Was: The Yarrow Man Ass) /(Was: You Go Away! Bother ROUND EYE CypherPunks. Chop, chop!) / (Was:TORA! TORA! TORA!...DC) / (Was: OUBAKAYAROU!!)


Wow!  I've, come up in the world.  Someone is forging headers with my name.
I bask in the social acceptance of it all.

At 4:16 PM -0700 10/18/97, Bill Frantz wrote:
>TluthMonglel wrote:
>>                  WAKE UP CPUNX AMERICA!
>>   The Commies have infiltrated the CPUNDITS Distributed Remailer system.
>> Igor's secret agenda is to translate 'Distributed' into "From each, as
>> he is able...to each, according to his need."
>>   Ever try to get
>> a message from the list at 4 a.m.? They are few and far between. Even
>> when you create your own message and send it to the list, the CDR List
>> Masters force you to share it with everyone else.
>> ("Who will help me write the message, said the Little Red Hen?")
> I agree. Next thing you know, we will be receiving our messages from
>the socialist CDDR list.
>  I put a lot of thought, time and effort into my posts, and I resent
>having to share them with the lurkers who add nothing to the list.
>  From now on I will be sending my posts to the list only to myself.
>God Bless America
>Bill Frantz       | The Internet was designed  | Periwinkle --
>(408)356-8506     | to protect the free world  | 16345 Englewood Ave.
>[email protected] | from hostile governments.  | Los Gatos, CA 95032,

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