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Did you taken part in a key crack?

I'm giving a presentation at the RSA Data Security Conference
in January, 1998. The title is "Key Cracking for fun and Profit: The
Year in Review".

The main topic will be the activity spawned by the RSA Secret Key 
Challenges, though I'll include other brute-force and factoring 
efforts, in 1997 or before.

If you have taken part in a key search, and/or have any thoughts 
on the topic you'd like to share, I hope you'll send them to me at 
[email protected]. 

I'm particularly interested in finding out about some of the 
less-known efforts - for example, the DES effort rumored to have
taken place at SGI, and the early, abortive RC5/56 effort at a
New York site.

Stories, anecdotes, and issues raised by the efforts are all 
welcomed. Responses will be kept confidential if desired.


Peter Trei
[email protected]

DISCLAIMER: The above are my own views, should not be misconstrued 
to represent those of my employer.