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Re: PGP Employee on MKR
In <[email protected]>, on 10/24/97
at 02:51 AM, [email protected] said:
>[email protected] wrote:
>> I have watched this silly debate for some time now. PGP pulled an awsome
>> hack on corporate America, bringing strong crypto to thousands of
>> corporate drones, while Cypherpunks, the crypto elite, seems incapable of
>> reponding with anything other than to engage in frenzied mutual
>> masturbation fueld by GAK fantasies.
>> This is sad. Very sad.
>Lucky, did you actually read anything I wrote, or is this merely another
>knee-jerk response?
>If you can explain the following, then I'll accept that my fears are
>merely fantasies:
>1. How PGP can prevent CMR being converted into GMR; their system builds
> all the code required to support mandatory encryption to FBI and NSA
> keys into every copy of PGP.
No their system does not. For what the FBI and NSA want much more needs to
be done. Not to mention that *ANY* crypto system can be turned into GAK if
the FBI & NSA get congress to pass the laws that they want.
>2. Why PGP prefer this option to almost identical systems which do not
> allow GMR. They don't even seem to be interested in discussing
> alternatives.
What PGP Inc. did was provide what their *customers* , you know the ones
that pay their bills and keep them in business, wanted in a timely fashion
with little modification to their current code while circumventing some of
the more draconian requests.
>These are the important questions we should be asking and noone on the
>pro-PGP side seems interested in answering them. Why?
They have been answered time and time again, you just have not been
interested in listening.
>Frankly, this issue seems to be the most important since Clipper, and I'm
>amazed that so many cypherpunks are so dazzled by PGP's name that they
>refuse to sit and think these issues through.
If this is such a life and death issue why don't you and some of the other
Cypherpunks Philosopher Kings get off your armchair quarterbacking write,
test, debug, and *market* your superior system?? Then we can all dance and
sing the praises of CP Inc. and what a wonderful thing that they have
done?? No? Perhaps because the majority of the "PGP Inc is evil" crowd
here couldn't make a buck in the business world if their lives depended on
I also find it interesting how there is "much weeping gnashing of teeth"
over PGP 5.5 , which does nothing that couldn't be done with 2.6, while
Netscape, RSA and the S/MIME crowd put weak crypto on every desktop??
Where is the Righteous Indignation?? Where are the cries to burn RSA and
Netscape on the stake?? I think sticking the "unwashed masses" with 40bit
RC2 a more serious and pressing issue than anything going on with PGP 5.5.
Of course the Philosopher Kings are too busy in their PGP feeding frenzy
to notice such thing.
- --
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William H. Geiger III http://www.amaranth.com/~whgiii
Geiger Consulting Cooking With Warp 4.0
Author of E-Secure - PGP Front End for MR/2 Ice
PGP & MR/2 the only way for secure e-mail.
OS/2 PGP 2.6.3a at: http://www.amaranth.com/~whgiii/pgpmr2.html
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