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Re: PGP Employee on MKR


In <[email protected]>, on 10/24/97 
   at 05:38 PM, [email protected] said:


> > Kent Crispin wrote:

> > Indeed. It's just as idiotic as people being killed for
> > receiving encrypted mail in Iraq. It is, however, just as
> > possible, and anyone who believes the contrary obviously hasn't
> > worked for a big company before; I've seen them do far, far,
> > more idiotic things in the past.

> -=> Quoting In:[email protected] to Harka <=-

> In> There is a simple solution to that don't work for one if you
> In> don't like their policies.

>Sometimes it seems, as if the people advocating the
>"business-reality" are furthest removed from it.

>The "just don't work for them if 'ya don't like it"-argument  will last
>about 4 weeks...the approximate time a human can survive without eating.
>(or a couple of weeks less, if you have kids)

>I.e. unless you are the super-duper, three-times nobel-prize-winner (with
>lots of money in stocks), who can AFFORD to choose employers that freely,
>you will be DAMN GLAD to have a job AT ALL, regardless of their policies!

Sorry, your sloth and lack of ambition is no excuse to deny me my rights.
An employer only owes you to what is agreed on when you enter into a
contractual agreement of employment. For you clock punching 9 to 5'ers
that means you show up to work, you do your work, and at the end of the
week you get your check. You don't like the company, or their policies, or
the color of the bosses tie, too bad don't let the door hit you in the ass
on the way out.

Arrrrrrrrgh!!!! Sniveling little fucks like you really get my gander up. I
bust my ass every day from before the sun comes up till long after it goes
down. When I am not actually doing "work" I am continually educating
myself, reading tech manuals,trade journals, ect. I have built up a
library of several thousand books on engineering, programming, network
management, mathematics and I subscribe to over 40 different magazines.
This weekend my entertainment is refreshing my self on the latest
developments in DCE. I spend more time improving my knowledge, thus my
marketability, than you probably spend at your regular job! The reason
people like you are "DAMN GLAD to have a job AT ALL" is because you don't
do anything to make yourself more marketable in the corporate world. The
company that you work for doesn't owe you a GOD DAM THING other than your
paycheck, and only that if you have done your work to their satisfaction! 

Removed from "business-reality" indeed, I am fucking living it every day

- -- 
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
William H. Geiger III  http://www.amaranth.com/~whgiii
Geiger Consulting    Cooking With Warp 4.0

Author of E-Secure - PGP Front End for MR/2 Ice
PGP & MR/2 the only way for secure e-mail.
OS/2 PGP 2.6.3a at: http://www.amaranth.com/~whgiii/pgpmr2.html                        
- ---------------------------------------------------------------

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