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Re: Saving money
> At 10:00 PM -0700 10/24/97, [email protected] wrote:
> While I am glad for your achievements, you have not addressed my
> point: all this doesn't apply to the larger mass of people.
-=> Quoting In:[email protected] to Harka <=-
In> As I recall your point, it was that most people are a few weeks away
In> from running out of money and hence cannot change jobs readily. I was
In> saying that a small amount of self-discipline and sacrifice can quite
In> easily translate into having a few _months'_ worth of savings.
That may indeed work for some people, but the argument of
"self-discipline and sacrifice" usually goes overboard once people
_other than yourself_ are severely affected by that. "Sorry hun,
you can't have a new winter-coat. Mommy has to save enough money so
that she can choose the people she works for. And no...no christmas
this year either".
In> If they won't make these spending tradeoffs and have not even
In> a buffer sufficient to carry them through a month or two or
In> three, I say screw them.
How about you adopting a person/family of your choice instead and
providing them with enough startup-money, so that they can at least
make an realistic effort to work towards a position of becoming
financially independent themselves? :)
In> I won't support restrictions on what a company may do, when
In> perfectly legal,
Neither do I.
In> just because Joe Sixpack spent his paycheck on beer
or on his two daughters...
In> Or because Rawandala Brown spent her money on crack
or supporting her sick mother instead.
Your repeating of government-propaganda about the "abuse of the
welfare-system" etc. doesn't really cut it as an argument in a
discussion about the realism of having total financial independence
and the freedom of choices, that comes with it.
In> The Mormons teach self-reliance, and savings. So do other
In> religions and belief systems. Many of them urge their
In> followers to have money put aside for just these kinds of
In> situations.
While I am not a Mormon or whatever, I do believe in self-reliance
myself. But to argue, that everybody already _is_ self-reliant to
the degree of being able to freely choose your employer at any time
is factually incorrect. And that was the beginning of this
[Grasshopper stuff deleted]
In> Don't you mean, in your world view:
In> If success is outlawed, only failures will succeed.
You don't have to start twisting my signature-file and implying
things, that were never written by anybody but your projections. :)
In> (I urge you to think about how your criticisms of the free
In> market fit this aphorism.)
I suggest in return you reconsidering the myth, that a free market
means equal opportunities and thus quick self-reliance for
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