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Re: NAMBLA embattled -- mirror sites?

Declan writes:

>Folks on f-c and cypherpunks have mirrored holocaust revisionist web
>pages, banned books, and censored newspapers. Now I understand that NAMBLA
>is in danger of losing its home on the web. Anyone up for mirroring the
>(text-only)  publications of perhaps the world's most controversial

Nah, I'll pass on this one. If the membership list is included, I'd be glad
to forward it to my local police, though...

I'm not sure the right to free speech includes the right to endorse guys
fucking little boys, whether they give it a moniker like "transgenerational
love" or not. Any sex with a minor is rape, since they can't legally give
consent. All Hillary Klinton's "It Takes A Village" bullshit aside, I can't
see giving NAMBLA the same kind of protection as someone like Zundel.
