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Re: Tim's worst nightmare.,..
At 9:21 AM -0700 10/27/97, Attila T. Hun wrote:
>October 27, 1997
>Woman in Standoff Shoots at Police
>Filed at 10:12 a.m. EST
>By The Associated Press
>ROBY, Ill. (AP) -- Gunfire rang out again at the home of a woman
>involved in a month-long standoff with authorities who have a
>court order to bring her in for psychological testing.
Not really "Tim's worse nightmare..."
Besides, you folks ought to see the latest self-protection gizmo, which I
just bought at the San Jose Gun Show. An Olympic Arms OA-96 pistol, firing
30 rounds of .223. Basically an AR-15 with a barrel cut down to about 6
inches, a pistol grip, and a few other changes. (Sadly, the 30-round
magazine is welded in place, to comply with the letter of the law on
"assault guns.")
I needed something for answering the door in an era where the Bad Guys
routinely wear body armor sufficient to stop handgun rounds (.45, 9mm, .40,
and sometimes even .44 Magnum). My existing AR-15 and other .223 rifles
(5.56mm, in metric/NATO) will of course punch right through any feasible
body armor now being sold, but bringing such rifles up to bear in a doorway
is tough. Hence the market for .223-based machine pistols.
(The guy who sold it to me says he's been selling quite a few of these to
police SWAT "entry teams." Entry teams, for those of you not in the know,
are the folks wearning black ninja suits and body armor who break down
doors and spray everything inside with submachines guns--usually things
like H&K MP5s. Apparently they're feeling the need to move from handgun
calibers to .223.)
These new assault pistols are already being marked for eventual outlawing,
which is why I was in kind of a hurry to get one.
Ironically, I live up on top of a ridge, about 500 feet above the valley
floor below me, with three sides almost impossible to conventional entry
methods. So, if there's a "Ruby Ridge" or "Roby Ridge" at my place, the
dynamics will be quite different.
(Yes, besides my "readiness to hand" weapons, I also have some long-range,
scope-equipped weapons.)
Only in America.....
--Tim May
The Feds have shown their hand: they want a ban on domestic cryptography
Timothy C. May | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES: 408-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
Higher Power: 2^2,976,221 | black markets, collapse of governments.
"National borders aren't even speed bumps on the information superhighway."