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Re: apropos list talk and our culture

At 07:38 AM 10/29/1997 -0500, Brad Dolan wrote:
>"Michael Hays" is a new CBS series about a U.S. District Attorney.  Last
>night's episode was about how a radio talk-show host incited a listener
>to kill a BATF agent and was brought to justice.  DA convinced a jury
>that some things were "more important" than the first amendment.

It's nice not to spend my evenings staring at a tube :-)

The radio talk-show host who talked about killing BATF agents
really _did_ deserve to be brought to justice.
No, not the fictional one, and not for that - the real one,
G.Gordon Liddy himself, Watergate Plumber and Republican Henchperson,
the kind of sleazy statist propagandist who'd love to be
putting on a TV show like that if it wasn't about him.*

(Actually he did do some time, and he deserved it.
His fellow conspirator, Chuck Colson, has at least rehabilitated himself.)

[I've been reading Esther Dyson's new book "Release 2.0";
she's got a nice line in there about the Net being a great place for
conspiracy, while television is better for propaganda.]

Bill Stewart, [email protected]
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