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Re: Terrorism is a NON-THREAT (fwd)
In <[email protected]>, on 10/30/97
at 07:18 AM, Jim Choate <[email protected]> said:
>Forwarded message:
>> From: "William H. Geiger III" <[email protected]>
>> Date: Wed, 29 Oct 97 22:46:45 -0600
>> Subject: Terrorism is a NON-THREAT
>> I wish for once one of the spineless members of the press would ask:
>> "How many people have died from Terrorism in the last 10yrs?"
>> Let's be generious and say 10,000 world wide (more like 2,000 but lets not
>> quibble over numbers).
>Bill, more than 2,000 people have dies from planes being blown up by
>terrorist in the last 10 years alone.
>Old Prince Ferdinand, you know the bloke whose death started WWI
>allegedly, had an attempt on his life the morning of his death via bomb.
>He shrugged it off and got shot.
>Stalin had millions killed for political reasons.
>The Isrealis have killed tens of thousands in their expanionisitic,
>non-survivalist motivated actions.
>The US backed Central American death squads have killed hundreds of
>thousands if not millions.
>People kill for religion, politics, insanity, and fun.
>Terrorism has a long history in human culture.
>Yours is a unreasoned view.
Well THANK YOU Jim for joining forces with the Government NewSpeakers in
bastardising the language. Military and Police actions by governments is
NOT Terrorism!! Everything bad that happens is NOT Terrorism!! Just
because it is politically expediant to call somthing Terrorism does not
make it so! If you have a point then do so and let it stand on it's
merrits rather than trying to win brownie points by stealing emotional
value from an established lable. This is a shallow debating technique of a
weak mind.
Now back to the featured program:
Exactly how many have died from Terrorist acts?? I contend that it is
below 10,000 in the past ten years and more than likely closer to 2,000.
Even at 10,000 we are only looking at most 50-100 Americans a year!!
The whole point of my orriginal message that you seem unable to grasp ("no
suprise") is that 50-100 deaths/year does not justify turning this country
into a police state!!
- --
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William H. Geiger III http://www.amaranth.com/~whgiii
Geiger Consulting Cooking With Warp 4.0
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