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Re: Burnore preworthily larine circumgyrate (Who Care?)
- To: [email protected]
- Subject: Re: Burnore preworthily larine circumgyrate (Who Care?)
- From: Anonymous <[email protected]>
- Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 18:06:14 -0500
- Comments: This message was remailed by a FREE automatedremailing service. For additional information on this service,send a message with the subject "remailer-help" [email protected]. The body of the message will bediscarded. To report abuse, contact the operator [email protected]. Headers below this point wereinserted by the original sender.
- Sender: [email protected]
[email protected] (Stephen K. Goguen) wrote:
> Does anybody really care who is spamming who?
> I don't think so. I am not a spammer BTW!
> These messages are a waste of valuable band width!
> If you have a problem with a spammer take it up with them, spare the
> rest of us from this boring carp!
> On Sunday, 26 Oct 97 20:01:02 PST, [email protected] (Neva Remailer)
> wrote:
> >An atumble Henrician. Intramastoid the cutted refight. DataBasix
> >androgen. Allochroite syndesmosis.
You might want to direct your comments to the author of this spammage,
Gary L. Burnore <[email protected]>, CEO of DataBasix, who still
appears to be on a vendetta against the anonymous remailers. This
particular spam campaign appears to be designed to accomplish two things:
1.) Get people upset at the anonymous remailers by posting this spam
through them, and;
2.) Saturate the news search engines with matches on his name and that
of his company so that any search on these words yields a vast
majority of false matches.
Just look at some of the Subject: lines he's posted over just the past
few days:
DataBasix cajoler Burnore Elamite the juxtaposit parciloquy
^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^
Autoceptive DataBasix sugary bultow
A Amoyan planula hoboism Burnore guestling
Burnore undutiful unavouchably
Perocephalus Wotan wine murder Burnore Akiyenik
Wotan votive DataBasix manglingly
Burnore dowery crants sla throneless
Instillator a dene meethelper orach Burnore acoine
A sith hove DataBasix cradlesong commercialist hebete
Unangelical visual DataBasix nonempirical
Burnore preworthily larine circumgyrate
Interfertile pomade outhue and Burnore cancrophagous
DataBasix preapperception
"I cannot convince myself that there is anyone so wise, so universally
comprehensive in his judgment, that he can be trusted with the power to
tell others: 'You shall not express yourself thus, you shall not
describe your own experiences; or depict the fantasies which your mind
has created; or laugh at what others set up as respectable; or question
old beliefs; or contradict the dogmas of the church, of our society, our
economic systems, and our political orthodoxy.'"
- Jake Zeitlin