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Bell sentencing timed to coincide with raids on militia members?
At 12:47 PM -0700 10/31/97, Anonymous wrote:
>c) The narcs have a 'done deal' with the individual, and need to
> postpone any signs of a 'sweetheart deal' so as not to spook
> (pardon the pun) the targets of an ongoing investigation.
>d) The warrants are in the mail and the individual's sentencing
> is dependent on future testimony/cooperation.
By the way, I trust you have all seen the newswire report about a fax being
accidentally sent to a Washington (state) newspaper, advising FBI field
offices of possible militia activity in the Spokane and Washington state
Many of us believe this memo, apparently sent to the wrong address when an
FBI clerk hit the wrong button on the autosend FAX, is a hint that a series
of raids is coming. Could it be tied to information provided by Bell?
Maybe. Mabye not. But the sentencing of Bell, now delayed to November 21st,
fits with the likely timing of raids. (Thought the screwup with the fax
could delay things....)
I am including the AP text below, the key paragraphs (for "fair use").
Classified FBI fax sent by mistake - Oct. 27, 1997
SPOKANE, Washington (AP) -- A classified FBI document warning that
militia-linked terrorists may be plotting to bomb government
agencies during the holidays was sent by mistake to a movie
memorabilia shop.
Eric DuBois found the 11-page report on his fax machine October 9.
He called the FBI and also showed a copy to The Spokesman-Review
newspaper, which reported on the security breach Sunday.
The document, which bears the FBI logo and is marked
"confidential," was apparently intended to alert field agents in
the West. Based on the allegations of an informant, the report
names radicals who are believed to have stockpiled assault rifles,
handguns and explosives.
Copyright 1997 The Associated Press
Want to bet that the November 21st sentencing of Bell, right before this
very same holiday period, and in the very same region, has something to do
with the likely raids on the "radicals" "believed to have stockpiled" these
Except for the explosives part, the rest of it sounds like what a lot of us
are doing. What laws are being broken by these "stockpilers"?
Get ready, folks. By the way, I'll be at the gun show at the Cow Palace in
San Francisco on the weekend of November 8-9, probably Saturday, the 8th.
Seems I'm running low on certain types of ammo, and I may want to pick up a
couple more assault rifles before Swinestein succeeds in completely banning
--Tim May
The Feds have shown their hand: they want a ban on domestic cryptography
Timothy C. May | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES: 408-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
Higher Power: 2^2,976,221 | black markets, collapse of governments.
"National borders aren't even speed bumps on the information superhighway."