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Re: Killing those who need killing (fwd)

Forwarded message:

> Date: Fri, 31 Oct 1997 20:21:23 -0800 (PST)
> From: Mix <[email protected]>
> Subject: Re: Killing those who need killing

> Tim May wrote:
> >Don't any of you get any ideas here, but in California it is
> >ridiculously easy to get someone committed for a 72-hour observation
> >period. All one has to do is convince one of the various agencies
> >that a person is a possible danger to himself or to others....
> >...Worst of all, the mere fact of having been committed, regardless
> >of the eventual outcome, can mean a complete loss of rights to own a
> >handgun, rifle, or shotgun for a long period (10 years, I
> >think). Failure to let the Thought Police in for a look around one's
> >home is almost ipso facto grounds for committment.
> Use of remailers lessens this and other risks.

Ok, Monty, explain how my use of remailers is going to help me when my
son-in-law (for example) decides that he wants my property and decides to
have me examined? The mere fact that he can prove I use anonymous remailers
will only boost his assertion that I am a paranoid. If my hard drive is
encrypted that is further proof of my 'illness'.

Swords cut both ways.

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