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Free Email Software!

                         Advertising  Secrets  Exposed !
Are you having a difficult time trying to promote your business on the Internet?
Have you posted classified ads with little or no response?

Well, if you'd like to know something that you could use with your present
business to make it Explode!

I have the answer to your business growth problems. Free Email Software!

Everybody's talking about Email Marketing!
A gold mine for those who can take advantage of mass Email Marketing.

Just imagine for a minute what this will mean to your business, being able to
reach thousands of new propects daily, with no cost to you.

We will give you a new software package called Freedom, absolutely Free, to
use in your business.

Now you will have, a do it yourself method of online advertising, that up till now
only the professional Internet Marketer had access to. And have a powerful
potential to target millions with simple click of your mouse.

And if you need fresh Email addresses, we have them on, 3.5 IBM disk. The
best prices on the Internet.

100,000 Addresses Oppty Seekers Only $29.95 Includes shipping and handling.
200,000 Addresses Oppty Seekers Only $39.95 Includes shipping and handling.
400,000 Addresses Oppty Seekers Only $49.95 Includes shipping and handling.

And for the serious Internet Marketer, 25 million plus!! Our company has one of
the largests databases on the Internet with over 25 million Email Addresses,
these are split up in many different categories, and rotated frequently, giving
you new addresses to choose from each time. This service allows you to access
our database of Email Addresses as much as you want, from our website. All
for only $199. No need to ever gather or purchase Email addresses again!!
But because of our special internet promotion for the month of August only,
you can purchase our E-Mail software program including 25 Million E-Mail
addresses, and including full time tech support, telephone number, for only
$99. for all orders received before Oct20/97

Yes! Please Rush Me Fresh Email Addresses, And My FREE Email Software.




Types Of Addresses Opportunity Seekers (   )  General  (   )

100,000 Addresses $29.95 Includes shipping&handling and Freedom Software.
200,000 Addresses $39.95 Includes shipping&handling and Freedom Software.
400,000 Addresses $49.95 Includes shipping$handling and Freedom Software.

25Million Addresses$99. From database Includes S&H and Freedom Software.
And full time tech support, by telephone, for all orders received by Oct15/97

Freedom Software Only. Send $10. To cover S&H. IBM 3.5 Floppy disk.

Bonus: Orders received before, Oct20/97 will receive another Software program
Free, called "CHECKER" that allows you to receive checks by Fax, Email, and Phone.
Sold over the Internet for $129. Free with your purchase of any or the above products!
Never lose another impulse sale again, for lack of, a credit card, or the slowness
of US mail.

Plus another bonus for MLMERS, not only are we going to give "CHECKER" and
FREEDOM to you, we will authorize you to give "FREEDOM and "CHECKER" to
your entire Downline, to use " FREE"

Just think what this will mean to your business, when you are able to give "FREEDOM"
and "CHECKER" to your entire Downline to use, for Free, or use for an incentive for
new recruits.
Payment: Check (  )  Money Order (  )  Cashier's CK (  )  Other (  )  U.S Funds 

Send Order Form Along With Payment: To
                                            REV TECH MARKETING
                                              2172 Kanoy ave
                                        Thomasville N.C 27360-8733

If you'd prefer not to receive any future mailings, just send an empty email to
 [email protected]  with remove me in the subject line.                                     
Mail End.