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                                  Turpentine Creek Foundation, Inc.
                  Route 1 Box 209A, Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632
                          Phone: (501) 253-5841 Fax: (501) 253-5059
                                       E-mail:[email protected]
October, 1997

Dear Friend,

The reason I am writing this letter to ask for your help.  First,  I would like to
introduce myself and give you a brief history of Turpentine Creek Wildlife
Refuge, a non-profit organization.  I will try to briefly describe our accomp-
lishments and our mission for the future.

My name is Hilda Jackson.  I am the Secretary-Treasurer of Turpentine Creek 
Foundation.  By the way, when I say "WE",  I am speaking not only of myself, 
but for all the volunteer staff and our eight member board of directors.  Our 
Board consists of doctors, real estate people, a university professor, a CPA 
and a veterinarian, who have worked hard to accomplish our goals.  Our 
Chairman of the Board is Reverend John P. Minogue, C.M., who is also 
President of De Paul University of Chicago, Illinois.

The Turpentine Creek Foundation was started by me, my husband Don 
Jackson, and my daughter, Tanya Smith, in May of 1992.  Tanya is now  
President of the Foundation.  We purchased a 450-acre ranch in Eureka 
Springs,  Arkansas in the heart of the beautiful Ozark Mountains.  We brought
with us to the ranch two lions, one monkey, one white-tailed deer and one
racoon.  That was the beginning of Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge.  Our
goal and desires are to house all unwanted exotic big cats, such as lions,
tigers, and other exotic animals in a safe an happy environment.  To date, 
Turpentine Creek houses over 120 animals and birds.  Out of this 120 animals,
there are 90 + exotic big cats, such as lions. tiger, leopards and cougars.

We know from the experts' predictions that there are no more than 4,000 tigers
left in this world.  Without a shelter like Turpentine Creek, I am afraid that the 
beauty and the strengh of the tigers will not be a part of our children's or 
grandchildren's life except in picture books.  With everyone's help this will not 

We have continued to grow every year due to the birth of new cubs, and the 
acquisition of additional unwanted, abandoned, or abused exotic animals. We
desperately need to expand our compound, and finish the natural habitat, so the
big cats can live and roam as naturally as they would in the wild.

It takes approximately $1000 per day to house and care for the current number of
animals.  These funds are partly raised by our seasonal tourist revenue.

All construction is strictly funded by donations.  This is where we need
YOUR help.  If you can donate  $1, $5, $10, or whatever you feel in your heart you
can send, it wil be greatly appreciated.  All donations are tax deductible under 
IRS regulations section 501(c)(3).

We would like to thank you in advance for any consideration or help you
can give.  

Please come visit us and see the photo albums (especially the NEW 
ARRIVALS) at:    http://www.ozarkweb.com/tcreek/index.htm

My sincere thanks,

Hilda Jackson

Please send your kind donations to :     Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge
                                                             Route 1, Box 209-A
                                                             Eureka Springs, Arkansas  72632    

Credit Card Donations can be made by phone or fax (top of page) or complete
the following information and mail to the above address.

Card type:  ____ Visa  ____ MasterCard  ____ American Express  ____ Discover

Card Member's Name :_____________________________________________

Member's Address:     ______________________________________________

Card Number :            ______________________________________________

Expiration Date:          ______________________________________________

Amount of Contribution :  $ _____________