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Re: Terrorism is a NON-THREAT (fwd)

snow wrote:
>         Part of the problem is that people _assume_ that legislation fixes
> problems. It doesn't. Laws just give society permission to punish the
> offender. 

Prosecutor: "You should find this nanny guilty of murder because
             young people like to party."
Jury: "Duuhhh...OK!"

  What I find ironically hilarious, offensive and sad, is that there
are still so many new laws being passed, in spite of the fact that
they are no longer really needed.
  Courtrooms now pretty much just serve as an arena for engaging in
the age-old sport of public stoning. Whoever does the best job of
finger pointing, while working the crowd into a frenzy, wins.

  Tim McVeigh was Dead Meat (TM) the minute the judge ruled that
fingers in the courtroom could only be pointed at Terrible Timmy.
  I guess I'm an old fart...I remember when $15 million could buy
you a decent attorney.

  I don't own any guns, so I guess when the Feds kick my door in,
I'll just point at the dog, and hope they go for my clever ruse.
  Hell, I'm even willing to testify...
