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Re: Remailer Trivia / Re: Singapore & Freedom


Harish Pillay <[email protected]>
> Interesting that you hide behind an anomymous name and you claim to
> be outside Singapore.  I for one, will stand by my name and say that
> things I should say about this country of mine (warts and all) and
> not have to hide behind anonymity (not that I would not use anonymity
> ever :-)). 

I find it interesting that most of the people who refer to anonymous
posters as "hiding behind" or "hiding behind the skirts of" something
usually have unlisted telephone numbers when you try to do a search
for them. <g>  I wonder why "hiding behind" an unlisted telephone number
is considered acceptable but having an "unlisted" e-mail address is not
considered acceptable?

Nor is it useful to argue that anonymity should only be used when it's
"needed".  That decision should be at the sole discretion of the
poster.  With the advent of firms that sell "dossiers" of the public
posts of potential job candidates to employers, maybe posting using your
own name is something everyone ought to at least reconsider.  For many
people, the choice is not between posting openly versus posting
anonymously, but rather between posting openly and NOT POSTING AT ALL.

Censorious individuals contribute to that by deliberately attempting to
ridicule and discredit anonymous posters.  Since you often cannot determine
an anonymous poster's religion, race, nationality, or sexual preference,
those who prefer ad hominem attack to a rational debate of the issues attack 
the poster's anonymity, instead.

BTW, do you "hide behind" clothes when you walk on the street?  If so, why?
Got something to hide?  Huh?  COWARD!!!! <g>

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