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Re: Complete package for Cantsin Protocol No. 2

>>>>> "Cantsin" == Anonymous  <[email protected]> writes:

    Cantsin> The source code is completely unencumbered.  This is
    Cantsin> great!  For some reason, it has been the custom to issue

Well, you need libgmp (GNU LGPL License) and Perl (Artistic License).
I consider this not more then a proof of concept, for example the
private key is not encrypted, the key management is done by hand,
there is no web of trust or something similar,
and normally one would write the hole thing completely in C.

    Cantsin> It might be a good idea to publish the SHA1 checksum of
    Cantsin> the file you are distributing.  The checksum of the file
    Cantsin> I got (cantsin.tar.gz) was:
    Cantsin> D054C9E4ABD5CEE0C5A4343E5D1E2EF91C00048A

I have       D054C9E4ABD5CEE0C5A4343E5D1E2EF91C00048A
which looks the same. I'm currently making some improvements, in
particular in the speed of the key generation. I'm open to other
suggestions to improve this package.

    Cantsin> I may not approve of the restrictions on free speech in
    Cantsin> Germany, but at least the German government isn't trying
    Cantsin> to stop people from publishing arithmetic.  The truth is,
    Cantsin> that for Monty Cantsin's activities, he would get a
    Cantsin> better deal on free speech if he were German.

There are activities underway. The German knights of public and national
security have their own agenda: production, distribution and use of strong
cryptography shall require key escrow in the software. There was already
one failed trial to launch a law to require this. Now the activities
run in interior circles, nobody knows what comes next.


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25BA1A9F5B9010DD8C752EDE887E9AF3 [Cantsin Protocol No. 2]
-74A 74A