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Phone rates as low as 3cents/min.

NEW Technology Breakthrough will save consumers MILLIONS!

YOU CAN SAVE UP TO 70% on State to State and International calls, even  if your present rate is 9.9 cents/ minute or lower  !

 Never a need to change Providers.

The TeleChron routes calls around your PIC (Primary Interexchange Carrier)
to maximize your savings by searching for the lowest rates available, based
on the time, type and destination of your call. This small box (circuit
board) the size of a cassette tape plugs right into your phone jack.

The Telchron is Int'l patented & FCC approved. US patent, pending. 

For more info. 
On how You may purchase or You may also participate as an
independent distributor of the TeleChron. Note: Earn residuals too! GROUND FLOOR

Send an e-mail to by placing "Product" or "Opportunity" or
"Both" in the subject line to [email protected]
Or call : Terry @ 214-750-4738

We thank you for your time,


CTX Business Solutions

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