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Cronus Corporation
Symbol: C R O N
Recent Price: 1/2 ($.50/share)

Wall Street analysis from Harvard Equity Research has issued a
STRONG BUY recommendation on CRON stock.  Charles Blitzer
was quoted as predicting a $1.25 to $1.50 price near-term
with a "thrust into the $3-$4 range sometime in 1998".

Harvard Equity Research's last recommendation in October, AATK,
went from $3 1/2 to $9 in ten trading days!

Harvard Equity Research is so confident of their projections that
they are offering their subscribers a money-back guarantee on their
subscription if CRON doesn't at least double within the next year.

To reiterate: an IMMEDIATE & STRONG BUY recommendation
on CRON.

For further information go to: http://quote.yahoo.com/
or send a SASE, for a free issue of Harvard Equity Research's
latest top-rated newsletter, to H.E.R., P.O. Box 96159,
Boston, MA 01742
