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Re: DoD orders vendors to use Key "Recovery"
At 03:05 PM 5/8/98 -0400, Trei, Peter wrote:
>I hope someone sends them the NSA report on the security hazards of
I think that people should sell the Government crypto software with key
recovery. We need to have a backdoor into the government's communications.
Any key recovery system sold to the governemtn should have a real obvious
and visible key recovery system so they know that it is there.
>Peter Trei
>GCN May 4, 1998
>Defense wants PKI now
>Department intends to make vendors use strong encryption
>By Christopher J. Dorobek
>To jump-start development of a public-key recovery system, the Defense
>Department plans to require its vendors to use strong encryption,
>deputy Defense secretary John Hamre said recently.
>Because it wields significant buying clout, Defense's more stringent
>requirements should boost government and industry efforts to build
>systems for managing encryption keys, Hamre said last month at an
>Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association event in
>Agencies cannot wait for the government and industry to settle on a
>national encryption policy, Hamre said.
>Through successive administrations, the government has tried to
>develop a singular policy on encryption. But so far, the efforts have
>failed. Generally, industry has criticized the government's policy
>proposals as too restrictive.
>"We have an important national imperative to protect ourselves in this
>world," Hamre said. "We can't wait to have this issue resolved ...
>therefore we're going to buy encryption with key recovery."
>Vendors will have to use encrypted data and be able to recover it when
>doing business with DOD, he said.
>Defense will work out a final policy in the coming weeks, Hamre said.
| "That'll make it hot for them!" - Guy Grand |
|"The moral PGP Diffie taught Zimmermann unites all| Disclaimer: |
| mankind free in one-key-steganography-privacy!" | Ignore the man |
|`finger -l alano@teleport.com` for PGP 2.6.2 key | behind the keyboard.|
| http://www.ctrl-alt-del.com/~alan/ |alan@ctrl-alt-del.com|