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Re: U.S. Navy caught hacking into British marine charity Web site

At 4:48 AM -0800 5/9/98, Spam the President wrote:
>  U.S. Navy caught hacking
>  into British marine
>  charity Web site
>  By Kristi Essick
>  InfoWorld Electric
>  Posted at 3:07 PM PT, May 8, 1998
>  ...
>  "I think whoever it was within the U.S. Navy
>  facility would have better things to do rather than
>  try and hack into our computers," said Chris
>  Stroud, the organization's director of campaigns,
>  in a statement. "If they were seeking reports on
>  the Black Sea, we shall be freely publishing these
>  in the near future anyway."

Consider the possibility that someone hacked into the Navy's computer and
then used it as a base to hack the Marine Mammal Charity site.

Bill Frantz       | If hate must be my prison  | Periwinkle -- Consulting
(408)356-8506     | lock, then love must be    | 16345 Englewood Ave.
frantz@netcom.com | the key.     - Phil Ochs   | Los Gatos, CA 95032, USA