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Where do you roam?

SC>At 5:28 AM -0400 7/31/98, Michael Hohensee wrote:
SC>>Source: Handgunner Magazine, Sept./Oct. 1998, page 154:
SC>Paladin sought to reverse the ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the
SC>Fourth Circuit, whichfound that the book Hit Man: A Technical Manual for
SC>Independent Contractors enjoyed no FirstAmendment protection because, in
SC>that court's opinion (based in part on the stipulations of theparties), a
SC>jury could find that the book's content amounted to the aiding and abetting
SC>of criminalconduct. 

I've  been reading the Bible lately, and it's content has been aiding
abetting me in all kinds of criminal misconduct, like murdering a
crapload of 
Arabs and other assorted non-Jewish darkies.
Anybody think that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit is
prepared to refrain from being hypocritical, and rule that the Bible
not enjoy FirstAmendment protection?

The ApplePie Murderer
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