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Re: "Unbreakable Crypto" announcement??

	Fade <[email protected]> asked the Listocracy:

>>Does anyone with access to the Financial Times know what the hell this
>>snippet is talking about??

>>August 24, 1998  <snip>

	Having read the FT, WHG III  <[email protected]> growled:

>Well this marketing hype just reeks of snake-oil.

	It may be rash to condemn or dismiss a cryptographic proposal just
because corporate PR is unable to coherently explain the work. Cramer and
Shoup are serious players, and they are presenting a paper on their work at
Crypto98 today. The technical paper can be viewed at:

	For more uninformative PR, see:

	IBM (Shoup's employer) offers a PR contact: Mike Ross, at IBM
Research, e-mail: [email protected]  [Tel: 408/927-1283]


      Vin McLellan + The Privacy Guild + <[email protected]>
  53 Nichols St., Chelsea, MA 02150 USA <617> 884-5548
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