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Re: Clinton's fake apologies (fwd)

Anonymous wrote:
> On 20 Sep 1998, [I] wrote: [about lieing]
> > I agree it's bad. I agree it undermines the justice system a little bit.
> > But, ... impeachment?
> Yes.
> We have some jokester sitting in Washington with full authority over our
> military forces. The people can't believe a word he says. Congress can't
> believe a word he says. He rules by executive order. He ignores the
> Constitution.
> There is argument over whether he ordered military strikes to divert
> attention from his scandal and whether he sold the country out to the Red
> Chinese. Now people like myself are thinking - totally justified - that
> this guy will do absolutely anything to hold on to his presidency.
> I don't feel particularly secure with some guy who I can't trust running
> the military and with his finger on the nuclear button. That itself is a
> violation of national security.

Understandable sentiments. The position I can't understand is Jim's,
of being totally outraged by the lieing under oath regardless of anything else.
[although I respect his right to that opinion].

Unfortunately, you now wear the mantle of wanting to put away
Bill "Al Capone" Klinton not for tax evasion, but for "fibbing".

-- an anonymous aol32 user.