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Re: How long would it take?


When you encrypt a message M with PGP, you are really doing several things:

        1. Generating a random IDEA key K
        2. Encrypting M with K yielding IDEA(K,M)
        3. Encrypting K with the public key of the recipient, Rpub
           yielding RSA(Rpub,K)
           (note that if YOUR key is 1256 bits, but THEIR key is only 512 bits,
           you only get 512 bits of 'security' because you are encrypting to
           them, not to yourself)
        4. Sending (essentially) the message {RSA(Rpub,K)+IDEA(K,M)}

Someone who wants to read the message (e.g., the recipient or some
interceptor) must either know Rpri (Rpub's corresponding private key) to
extract K, or must be able to break RSA, or must know K a priori, or must
be able to break IDEA.

This is a lot of ways to get in.  Most of them prohibitive, except for the
recipient who can be expected to know Rpri.

  > Could the NSA reverse PGP encryption on a message that was encrypted with a
  > 1264 bit key?

Yes.  Although, I think it would be more likely through cryptanalysis of
the IDEA cypher than of the RSA encrypted IDEA key.

  > Do you think they could do this in a matter of hours?

I don't think so.

  > Why or why not

Cracking RSA is presumed to be as hard as factoring one of the components
of the key.  Although this has not been proven, I think it likely that no
better attack is currently known.  I have no figures yet on the complexity
of the IDEA cypher.  I do not know if it is susceptible to differential
cryptanalysis.  To my knowledge, exhaustive search is the only attack. 
With a random 128 bit key, search is prohibitive.

Sorry I didn't include more numbers,

Scott Collins         | "Few people realize what tremendous power there
                      |  is in one of these things."     -- Willy Wonka
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