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Chaos harnessed for encryption / Fluctuations and Order research

EE Times, Aug 9, 1993, p. 31 reports that "MIT's Research Lab of
Electronics is creating new signal processor designs, based on chaos
theory, that could open up a simple route to secure communications.

The new designs use a recent discovery called synchronized chaos to
transform a meaningful signal into what only seems to be random
noise., A similarly constructed receiver responds to the noisy signal,
sychronizing its own chaotic behaviour to extract the message.  The
MIT design requires only eight op-amps and is based on the Lorenz
attractor, which generates a simple three-dimensional chaotic system."

There's more, this is just a pointer.  Their current encryption system
is analog, not digital, and encrypts analog signals like audio; I
don't know if this is a fundamental design property or not.  They claim
it's not super-great encryption, just cheap and interesting.

Wired Sep/Oct 93 also reports (p.118) a Sep 9-12 conference on "Fluctuations
and Order" at Los Alamos National Labs' Center for Nonlinear Studies.
"The labs are gathering a couple dozen researchers who have realized
they can induce order into systems by using noise and randomness.  As
one abstract says, `The addition of noise to certain types of driven
systems can paradoxically cause a signal to become clearer.'"  These
seem related, to me.
