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Anonymous contact service
Uu> Maybe all penet users on the list should activate passwords on
Uu> penet.fi. Penet may search back along the chain of addresses for any
Uu> familiar address to check against it's list of password-enabled
Uu> addresses.
Something is way screwy with Penet lately. I have found that I have had
passwords required when I had no recollection of installing them. On
top of this, I am unable to use the password provision due to header
grunging at the UUCP gate, in any case.
. I have requested to admin@anon.penet.fi that the accounts by number
be deleted in order that I can start over with fresh accounts, & despite
three requests, this has not been done. Bloody annoying, but I suppose
when we give Julf a big raise, _then_ I can start bitching, huh? 8-)
. Speaking of related remailers, what is the status of Charcoal?
* <m..stirner@f28.n125.z1.fidonet.org> - PGP Key D30909 via servers *
* > What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not <*
* > warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit <*
* > of resistance? Let them take arms!" - Thomas Jefferson, 1787 <*
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