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Re: on the inherent evil
Uu> From: plmoses@unix.cc.emory.edu (Paul L. Moses)
Uu> Regarding the Electronic Democracy idea, I vote with Tim May. Look at
Uu> the way public opinion is molded today through CNN, Tom Brokaw, Connie
Uu> Chung, Oprah Winfrey, etc. One could even say that Clinton is the
Uu> "Phil Donahue president" (he 'cares') - just look at the second
Uu> candidate debate last fall. A talk show if ever there was one.
As a Second Amendment activist, I am particularly aware of the dangers
of an instant-input viewer poll bearing the weight of law following a
particularly disgusting piece of BooHoo/Advocacy Broadcast Journalism.
. Though I don't see how this is directly relevant to the cypherpunks
thang, I do know that I am horrified at the potential for abuse inherent
in the "electronic Town Hall" concept. I also find that most computer
folk have wild enthusiasm for this idea while bearing no inkling of the
ease with which the process could be subverted.
* <m..stirner@f28.n125.z1.fidonet.org> - PGP Key D30909 via servers *
* > What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not <*
* > warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit <*
* > of resistance? Let them take arms!" - Thomas Jefferson, 1787 <*
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