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- To: cypherpunks@toad.com
- From: anonymous@extropia.wimsey.com
- Date: Sat, 14 Aug 1993 11:27:46 -0700
- Comments: This message was anonymously remailed. Do not reply to the address in the From: line, unless you wish to report a problem. Thank you.
- Remailed-By: remail@extropia.wimsey.com
> *pragmatic* descriptions of Electronic Democracy ...
Uu> You're walking down the street, and a gang of thugs jumps out
Uu> from behind some bushes. Their leader approaches you and says:
Uu> "Don't be alarmed, we're your very local community - we believe
Uu> in the noble principle of Democracy, majority rule, and you
Uu> have an equal vote with each of us."
Et cetera, und so weiter...
More succinctly, "Democracy is four wolves and a sheep voting on lunch."
Up the republic!