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Re: Digicash
Paul Moses:
> 3) The [ATM] card then becomes a bearer instrument of sorts.
> No big deal; IT'S JUST LIKE MONEY.
It is a big deal. Many people like carrying ID-based
cards (ATM w/PIN, credit cards, etc.) so they aren't easy targets for
violent thieves. Although this reaches equlilibrium -- as long as most
people use credit cards instead of cash, a few of us can still carry
around cash as long as we don't wave it around too much. Targets of
opportunity these days include late-night ATM customers.
Query: what will be the last businesses to install ATM terminals?
A couple that come to mind right away:
* rural businesses (poor net access)
* pawn shops (desire for privacy -- though I continue to be
amazed how many people create dossiers on themselves by
calling 1-900 phone sex numbers, renting X-rated vids with
credit card, etc.)
Nick Szabo szabo@netcom.com
- References:
- Digicash
- From: plmoses@unix.cc.emory.edu (Paul L. Moses)