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Re: "more money than brai

 Uu> From: szabo@netcom.com (Nick Szabo)

 > M. Stirner:
 > Only one question:  WHY?  If PGP is freeware for noncommercial single
 > users, why on earth would anyone wish to drop $100 +/- for single-user
 > rights to a virtually identical program?

 Uu> There are several business proposals floating around the cypherpunks
 Uu> community that would require commercial licenses.

Note that I was not speaking of commercial, but single-user licenses.

 Uu> I encourage the
 Uu> various crypto-entrepreneurs elaborate if they wish.
 Uu> Some of the proposals are quite interesting and illuminating.
 Uu> There's a strong habit of keeping business ideas "trade secret",
 Uu> which can be a bad idea, since (a) many of the ideas
 Uu> are obvious; trade secrets only work for subtle but important
 Uu> technological bottlenecks known to a small group of mutually
 Uu> trustworthy people, and (b) many of the ideas need to
 Uu> debugged by a wide variety of crackers and experts before they will
 Uu> provid good privacy.  Trade secrets also inhibit the progress
 Uu> of the cypherpunks agenda, but that's a judgement call; I myself
 Uu> dont' feel morally bound to Reveal All for the sake of the
 Uu> Movement.  But, "I'll post mine if you post yours".

I feel rather in the dark.  If you are going to say something, please
say it.  I had my circumlocution buffer filled by noon today by others
who beat you to the punch.  However, the mere mention of money makes my
cute little ears stand right up, assuming it's not in non-negotiable
digital gold coins, which niether my landlady nor the Arab bodega where
I buy my menudo will accept...
.   ~
.   M.

... "The good & the possible never seemed to coincide."Orwell
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