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info; ATM

 Paul Ferguson wrote;
>Forgive me for furthering this slightly off-topic thread, but
>Sprint has been offerring Frame Relay data sevices for quite some
>time, both for private wide-area networks and for
>interconnectivity to the global internet via SprintLink. Now,
>Sprint will beat everyone else to the punch offerring up ATM -
  Too late;

  MFS plugs in leading-edge network for high-speed data transfers
MFS Communications Corp. claimed the technological lead among data
communications service providers last week with the launch of its
end-to-end asynchronous transfer mode network.  MFS, an upstart
better known for its successful challenges to local telephone
company monopolies, claims to have set up the first ATM network in
the country.  But analysts say that distinction could be fleeting,
as at least one other service provider -- Sprint Corp. -- is      
expected to offer a similar service by year-end.  Although these
systems can carry regular telephone conversations, they are most
apt to be used to transmit huge volumes of computer data and to
make it possible for computers in widely separate locations to work
together.  Ultimately, Royce Holland, president of MFS, sees ATM
networks providing the backbone for a telecommunications
infrastructure that supplies movies to home television sets at the
touch of a button.

Investor's Business Daily -- August 24 -- Page 4  

  Sprint was also before congress last week asking that MFJ
restrictions against the RBOC's entry into long distance be
codified into law, and that they (the RBOC's) be restricted from
entry into long distance for 10 years!

   can you say competition?

                                           Brian Williams
                                           Ameritech data center  