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Re: Visa, HNC Inc. develop neural network as a weapon to fight fraud
> Visa, HNC Inc. develop neural network as a weapon to fight fraud
About time too. I recently had a run in with a local bike mechanic
and had to stop a cheque for 650 pounds. However, my cheque
guarantee card is also a Visa card, and so the scumbag filled out a
Visa slip using the details on my cheque - without my permission of
course. This was successfully paid to him by Visa.
However, I told my bank what had happened and they freaked. It seems
I'm definitely going to get the money back after about 3 months (!!).
The bank were very embarrassed and want me to tell the police as it's
a criminal offence.
It's always struck me how people could easily fill out Visa slips
from discarded receipts, get the money and split.